Kenyatta Matibabu Sacco was registered on 14th February 2000 at a time when the Kenyan economy was experiencing slow and negative growth, the SACCO has grown and continues to grow phenomenally
To be the leader in the provision of quality and diversified SACCO services
To mobilize resources, provide efficient, affordable credit and financial services to members.
Our Story
Kenyatta Matibabu SACCO Ltd is one of the most dynamic Savings and Credit Co-operative Society in Kenya today. Registered on 14th February 2000 at a time when the Kenyan economy was experiencing slow and negative growth, the SACCO has grown and continues to grow phenomenally.
This growth has been possible due to the confidence exhhibited by the SACCO shareholders (members). The SACCO is registered and regulated by the Ministry of Co-operation and operates under the Co-operative Societies Act (1997) and Co-operative Rules (2004). We take this opportunity to invite you to join us and be part of this exciting venture.